
This portfolio shows the collection of editorial work by Danielle DeAngelis, ranging from her collegiate writing to her current food & health news reporting.

A Letter to Orion Carloto

A Letter to Orion Carloto

for Local Wolves Magazine

Dear Orion,

Your name is literally a constellation, and that is fitting considering you truly are a star. Your words resemble more than positivity: they show reason. They show that becoming hopeful for a better future is worth it. You really are an inspiring soul. Whether your column is about love, friendship, or healing, “P.S. Positivity” never fails to disappoint. As a monthly reader, retrogressing your journey whilst reading your words is indescribable. After watching you grow over these past few years, it is really amazing how much happier you are. You have made me feel through your column. I am so glad that you are a regular writer for Local Wolves, because if you weren’t, my thoughts would wander without your guidance.

I thank you for your letters to us. I thank you for sticking around. And most of all, I thank you for you.

Dani DeAngelis, NJ

Arizona Law to Ban Social Justice and Race-Based College Course

Arizona Law to Ban Social Justice and Race-Based College Course

Charlotte Marchal's Drawing Board

Charlotte Marchal's Drawing Board